"Why Training Fails and What To Do About it" -
according to Harvard Business Review October 2016 -
millions of Euros are wasted because courses
and workshops do not provide the right method
for sustaining all you have learned.What can you do?
Has your company ever explored Design
Thinking for Business English Skills? Let us
show you how training can be fun and learning
can be maintained in the long term.Boost Your Memory
With Design ThinkingBusiness English WorkshopsKimberly Railla and AssociatesIndependent trainers and experienced coaches joining forces for your benefit.
Kimberly Railla, the founder, is from Los Angeles California and she holds a Finance Degree
from East Carolina University and a Masters Degree in Strategic Communications from Liberty University with a cognate in Professional Teaching. She also has a TESOL certificate - "Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages" - since 2004. She worked as a Senior Sales Executive for most of her working career in Los Angeles in the staffing and software industries. For the last 18 years she has lived in Germany as an English trainer/consultant for companies in the Frankfurt area. She also works as a Dozentin/Lecturer at Fresenius Hochschule in Idstein and Hochschule Mainz, and currently holds an Advisory Board position as well as position of Public Relations Coordinator with ELTAF – the English Language Teachers Association of Frankfurt.
Why is experience so important for us and why should it be important for you?
It is simple. Just think of one person in your life that you thought the world of and you will immediately remember something you have learned from that person as well. Moreover, that person probably liked you just the same. We are not only mindful teachers but also partner with you for your learning journey. We will support you and your team 100%. Even when training is over and you want to get in touch for a quick chat or have a question – we are there. That is what sets us apart from the others. We have been partnering with companies for years – between us we have over 35 years of experience. You save yourself a lot of work when you utilize our services as well as keeping your budget on target.
Rest assured, we always keep abreast of what is happening in the education market and we bring proven concepts to the table so that your people are learning cutting-edge material.
- Our Specialized ProgramsWhere: At your companyWhen: Weekdays or weekendsTime: 9am to 4pmCosts: 1,900 Euro plus VAT (only course fee)
Participants: 10-12 max.A sampling of our programs:WORKSHOP
Intercultural Communication in the `New Work´ Business Environment
Method: Includes Design Thinking, Memory Training, Role Play and Task-Based Pedagogical ApproachThis workshop can be complemented with blended learning and Skype training.Why does your staff deserve the best Business English training on the market?
Because you want to support your people beyond classroom language training and you have a vision to truly develop your people.Get the best of both training worlds. Choose Master Degree trainers who are strong in the academic communication world as well as in the job experienced world. True independence in learning approaches is the essence of thriving organizations. Remember that when you book language schools, you are wasting 70% of your money on organizational matters and teachers at language schools very often only get paid a minimum wage and often lack real quality. We offer 100% professional and direct program set up. Make the most of your budget.WORKSHOP
Day 1 - Essential Selling Skills and Cold Calling
Workshop Description
As selling has evolved, successful salespeople have upgraded their skills and abilities to become more consultative and value-oriented. This workshop focuses on the skills needed to sell effectively in today’s business environment, such as prospecting and cold calling, varying your selling style for different customers and highlighting value rather than price. Participants will learn how to sell more effectively to current customers and win new business at prospective accounts.
Who Should Attend?
Newer sales people will learn skills that are a great foundation for future success rather than learning outdated methods of selling. This workshop also helps sales support and other professionals who interact with customers and assist in the sales process (for example, customer service and technical support representatives).
Workshop Topics and Objectives
- Varying Your Selling Style — Overview of four approaches to selling, including the use of a self-survey to identify your natural selling style. You will learn how and when to vary your style for different customers.
- Prospecting and Cold Calling – Overcoming your fear regarding cold calling new prospects in person and/or by phone and learning techniques to gain interest quickly.
- Using the Stages and Critical Tasks of Selling —Understand and follow the critical tasks of the 6-Stage Sales Call Process (Planning, Opening, Exploring, Presenting, Commitment, and Follow-up).
- Questioning and Listening for Needs — Learn essential skills that apply to anyone involved in selling, starting with some fundamental questioning & listening skills, but also including STAR’s advanced IDEAL Questioning® model.
- Selling Benefits and Value— Improve your ability to present information persuasively about your products and services, with emphasis on how to sell on value rather than price
- Implementing Price Increases — Learn a variety of techniques to help you sell and implement price increases to customers so that you can capture the maximum value of your products and services.
- Handling Objections and Difficult Customers — Identify and improve your ability to respond to four major types of customer objections, including common objections such as "We’re happy with our current supplier.”
- Applying the Skills to Critical Sales Situation — During the workshop, each participant will apply the concepts to an upcoming sales opportunity, such as selling more to an existing customer or winning a new customer.
DAY 2 - Negotiating for Success
Workshop Description
Every sales professional needs a solid foundation in the fundamentals of negotiation. To be a successful sales professional, a person must begin learning negotiating skills from the start of his or her career, continue evaluating current negotiation approaches, and develop new frameworks to achieve high performance over time.
The purpose of this workshop is to improve your ability to plan and implement sales negotiations with emphasis on how to reach win-win agreements for your company and the customer (or other organization). Participants will have an opportunity to work in-depth on a real life, sales role play situation and receive extensive feedback from peers and instructor.
The Negotiating for Success workshop content, duration, and delivery options can be customized for your company and primary audience.
Who Should Attend?
Negotiating for Success is well suited for newer sales professionals and sales support personnel.
Workshop Topics and Objectives- Overcome Common Barriers and Challenges in Sales Negotiations — Understand and improve your ability to avoid making common mistakes such as conceding too much and not planning effectively.
- Reach Win-Win Agreements— Average sales negotiators don’t fully understand how to reach an agreement that is a win for both sides. Learn essential negotiation skills such as analyzing both sides’ alternatives, distinguishing wants from needs, and giving and getting concessions.
- Plan and Conduct Sales Negotiations — The best negotiators distinguish themselves by what they focus on during the planning process. Apply the negotiation planning skills and concepts in a realistic, multi-issue negotiation role play exercise.
- Identify and Respond to Adversarial Tactics — Average negotiators do not react well when the other side uses adversarial tactics, such as threats and deadline pressure. Sharpen your ability to identify and respond effectively to common adversarial tactics and dirty tricks that the other person may use during a negotiation.
Workshops will take place from 9am to 4pm with a lunch breaks, 2 coffee breaks and will take place at your company.
Our fees are compatible with the market and will depend on the type of training you would like to book.
If your company is looking for seasoned trainers who adapt easily to your needs and do not waste your budget - simply call us and we can see if our program fits to your needs. By the way, we speak German and Spanish, too.
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Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG:
Kimberly Railla
Hauptstrasse 22
65510 Huenstetten-Limbach
Kontakt: Telefon:+49 1773406044E-Mail:railla-consultancy@gmx.de Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:Kimberly Railla
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